Curator: Kenneth Mitchell

The museum , located in Scotland, is a single room with a covered trailer positioned in the middle. Along one wall,  Off-Line equipment is displayed. The other wall showcases some On-Line gear. This museum is no longer open.
(L-R) M209, unknown history Haglin C36 (no plate), BC543 Hagelin, C52 Haglin with electric keyboard and reperforator, Swiss NEMA, Swedish Kryapp 210. On the small shelf - Swedish HC-9 prototype, German STG-61, Danish cryptowatch.
At the left, back is a Siemens type 67. It  looks very similar to the T43 cipher teleprinter.The other sides of the room just has  information and photos on the walls.
The trailer is in the center of the room. This should normally contain a Typex but a Siemens T100 has been positioned here to fill the space.

All photos courtesy Ken Mitchell.

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March 19/03